Cannabis, Coca, and Poppy
Nature’s Addictive Plants
Browse the resources below to learn more about cannabis, coca, and opium poppy.
The DEA Museum wishes to thank the following organizations and individuals who contributed to the development of this exhibit:
- Brown Brothers, Sterling, PA
- DEA Caribbean Field Division
- DEA Demand Reduction Program
- DEA Graphics Unit
- DEA Intelligence Division
- DEA Library
- DEA Los Angeles Field Division
- DEA New York Field Division
- DEA Public Affairs
- DEA San Diego Field Division
- DEA San Francisco Field Division
- DEA Special Testing Laboratory
- Food and Drug Administration
- Library of Congress
- Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals
- National Institute on Drug Abuse
- New Mexico Department of Public Safety/Motor Transportation
- Partnership for a Drug Free America
- U.S. Customs and Border Protection
- Mr. WANG Tu, Hong Kong Ministry of Justice
- Cecilia Blazer
- Barbara Calabrese
- Claudia Cappelle
- Antionette Davoll
- Mark Eiler
- Richie Fiano
- Patrick Hurley
- Laura Jones
- Brandi Kerns
- RoseMary Russo
- John Swann
- Suzie Vigil
- Michael Vrakatitsis
- Lavonne Wienke
- Kevin Winters