Drug Take Back Day Box

  A cardboard box used to collect unwanted or expired prescription drugs on DEA's National Prescription Drug Take Back Day.
13.5" W x 27.5" H x 13.5" D
Accession Number:

Twice a year (in April and October), DEA and local law enforcement, fire stations, and other institutions support National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. Large boxes are available for collecting old, unneeded drugs. After collection, the drugs are safely disposed of. Take Back Day provides an opportunity for Americans to prevent drug addiction and overdose deaths. Most misused prescription drugs come from family and friends, often from the home medicine cabinet. On Take Back Day, people dispose of unwanted, unused, or expired prescriptions at locations across the country. DEA collects nearly 1,000 tons of unwanted medication a year. To learn more about DEA’s National Drug Take Back Day, visit takebackday.dea.gov.