Opiate Misuse, Overdose, and Addiction: Causes and Solutions
Opiate addiction along with pain management combined with substance use disorders is a growing concern. Dr. Theodore J. Cicero, Professor of Psychiatry at Washington University in St. Louis, speaks on The Opiate Overdose & Addiction Epidemic. Dr. William S. Jacobs, Chief of Addiction Medicine at the Medical College of Georgia & Medical Director of the Bluff Plantation, speaks on The Role of Pain, Pain Medicine, and Physicians in Treatment of Pain and Substance Use Disorders (SUDs).
Dr. Mark Gold, best known for his work on the brain systems underlying the effects of drugs, moderates the discussion. Gold is a distinguished alumnus of Washington University, University of Florida, and Yale University; Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Boards for RiverMend Health; and Director of Research and Prevention for the DEA Educational Foundation.