Video Archive

The Museum hosts a variety of programs and events that captivate domestic and international audiences. Artifact talks, memorials, and interviews with special guests are only some of the videos you can explore in this interactive archive.

Prescription Diversion and Abuse: An Update

In honor of National Prescription Drug Take Back Day sponsored by DEA, Special Agent Robert L. Hill speaks about the current issues surrounding prescription drug misuse, recent DEA operations against traffickers, and how this fast growing segment of drugs are misused.

Attacking America: 1979 Fury in Iran, Rescue in Pakistan

Randy Sayles, a DEA agent who was trapped in the American Embassy in Pakistan attacked on November 21, 1979, tells the horrifying story of fear, reaction, survival, and eventual escape of those involved.

DEA in Afghanistan: The Early Years

Retired Special Agent Chuck Carter provides insight into the inner workings of DEA in southwest Asia.

DEA’s Fast Units in Afghanistan

A review of the Foreign-Deployed Advisory and Support Teams (FAST), or the enforcement arm of DEA’s Afghan Campaign Plan and Drug Flow Attack Strategy (DFAS).

Overview of DEA Activities in Afghanistan

Calvin Bond, DEA Staff Coordinator, returned from Afghanistan to offer insights into DEA’s activities in the country and the current drug trafficking situation.

The Science of Marijuana: Just the Facts

Susan Weiss, Ph.D., Office of Science Policy and Communications, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), highlights what we know and what we don’t about marijuana’s effects on the brain and the body.

Cocaine Trafficking Trends in Central America

DEA Special Agent Paul Knierim, former Country Attaché in San Jose, Costa Rica, discusses maritime, air, and overland routes and processes used by drug trafficking organizations.

From One Winning Career to the Next: What Will You Do After DEA?

J. David Quilter, retired DEA Supervisory Special Agent, senior security executive with Fortune 500 companies, author, and consultant, shares tips for transitioning into the private sector after a career at DEA.

The Chemical Connection: A Historical Perspective on Chemical Control, Part 4

Gene Haislip, former DEA Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Diversion Control (retired), provides an informal narrative of the development of chemical control law and programs.