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United States Representative to the U.N. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (1962-1969).
A man unselfishly dedicated to human welfare and law enforcement; a public servant of sterling character and integrity; an administrator of demonstrated superb ability; a diplomat of great distinction and international renown; and a valued and true friend of pharmacy.
–Delta Kappa Sigma Alumni Association, 1958 Merit Award
In 1959, Anslinger received Pennsylvania State University’s Distinguished Alumnus Award, the highest honor given to alumni.
Not long after, President John F. Kennedy appointed Anslinger and Henry Giordanon Anslinger’s deputy at the Federal Bureau of Narcotics to be America’s representatives when the U.N. met to establish one single international treaty to control the production of specific drugs under license.
This convention, amended twice over the years, is still in effect today with 195 signatory countries.